What would Jesus do?

First and foremost, this is not a Christian platform and I am not Christian. However… I do love me some JC. For years and like many others, I felt disgust toward the corruption within the Church. I was unconvinced that it spoke much truth or effectively taught people to be good. This could be due to the heavy emphasis on fearing hell rather seeking the same graceful and dynamic existence of Christ, as I think he actually intended.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
— John 14:12

Or maybe it’s because of the paedophilia.

But in recent months I’ve seen numbers of people flee to the word of Christ. It seems that us humans desire confidence in our spirituality. We like to do things the right way, no matter the path our instincts may lead us down. And what more of an attractive path to salvation than a literal guide book when the stakes of rapture are intensifying each day? Especially as hell seems particularly hellish.
So, while I don’t stand by the religion built around his word, I can respect the prophetic nature of the Bible and the good people who are tracing the steps of Christ in their deepest potential.

Who is he?  

It is said that higher density beings can personify in the lower realms, though it takes great quantities of energy to maintain physical form and would require a significant purpose. It is also prophesied in topics unrelated to Christianity that a Solar Powered Universal Ascension will transmute human biology from carbon-based to a crystalline structure, by contact with radiation or plasma. Is it possible that Jesus Christ incarnated on Earth in some carbon/ crystalline hybrid structure to deliver a message of Ascension to our cycle of civilisation?

The Law of One attributes Christ’s message heavily to values of martyrdom; loving intention void of wisdom. I like to visualise Christ as one who upheld both wisdom and love. Though I’d agree that love overpowers evil, my imagination struggles to see a powerful being willingly cop shit from the very folk he’s delivering from evil/ teaching of Ascension. This is where his infamous martyrdom contradicts my projection. Is it ‘blasphemous’ to dismiss this aspect of his being, considering a metaphysical theory of death (of which we have such little understanding) could in fact affirm his self-sacrificial nature?

My Projection

A few years beyond my atheist wrath and deep into my spiritual studies, I stumbled hesitantly across the metaphoric and literal potential of biblical prophecies. Though I haven’t undertaken research of the bibles at length, the connections I found, including first hand experiences, complimented the questions I enjoyed asking.

I lean toward the tale that Christ did walk this Earth. Whether his message has been skewed to manipulate the masses is beyond my perceptive conclusion, out of my hands and irrelevant. But poisonous global trickery aside, I’ll admit that my perception of Christ may be a case of ‘messenger over message’ which contradicts my usual filter for information.

The relationship I have found with Christ is not one of worship but of support and mentorship. Though he had(has?) the power to out-perform any known human today, I like to ask myself how he would behave in a completely human situation. This openness to his image has assisted me greatly in times of tempting behavioural outbursts, or as ya’ll Christians might say; sins.

Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there.
— David Bowie

If Christ was caged on Earth with the insufferable limitation of regular human abilities, how would he approach life’s complications? How would he go about neutralising poor treatment with kindness and compassion? Could he? How would he treat someone with a self-sabotaging habit? How would he make offerings without force? How would he honour others wishes if they jeopardised his own desires? Does he hold his tongue when provoked?

My assumption, with risk of ignorance: He wouldn’t carry out karmic law but trust the balancing justice of our Universe/ his Father. He wouldn’t act irrationally; he may not even experience emotional spikes since he’s so Zen and mighty. He would certainly return to a position of love before pursuing a straining manoeuvre. He would remain available for anyone who requests assistance and make it known to the greedy, that they too are supported when they’re truly ready. He would also never throw the first punch.

It’s plain to see that my idea of Christ is altered to my liking. The Jesus in my imagination is of pure service to others, yet wouldn’t have his kindness mistaken for weakness. I can’t visualise him proudly on the receiving end of three Hail Marys and feeling that karmic justice has been served. In my opinion, Jesus is not there to exempt us of karmic responsibility but provide compassionate guidance for real growth, which requires our participation. In turn, we should not linger in our triggers and rely on a third party to alleviate the responsibility of our mistakes.

To me, Christ-aline energy feels like a perfect balance of compassion and justice that never fails to perceive with love. How can I assimilate this manor into my own methods of accountability and betterment? Can I just ask?

“What would Jesus Do?”

I have found myself asking this, completely un-ironically (15-year-old me is fuming) on a few occasions. I have asked when my ego arrived uninvited to a predicament and I have asked when the hurt in my heart outweighed my logical endurance. I think its beneficial to ask whenever a balanced judgement is clouded by temptations of any negative emotion; anger, jealousy, feeling unheard, betrayed etc.

Suffocating situations were solved instantaneously for me by asking what Jesus would do. I try to visualise him in my position and look forward a few steps. So far, in every attempt without fail I have received concise guidance of what should’ve been an obvious solution, whereas prior to asking didn’t seem conceivable. The answer I receive is both humbling and comforting, and often arrives before I can finish the question. It seems to tick every box of virtue and is completely simple for me to carry out. Suddenly, my emotions feel settled, I see beyond what I want, and I end up wining regardless.

It’s always a joy getting an answer from a fresh perspective, wherever it may be coming from. Whether I am guided to stand up or stand down, what is crystalline clear is that it’s right. This question asked genuinely, has saved my ass from some awkward situations, especially when it comes to people I am not fond of.

Perhaps this is a delusional manipulation on my part and I don’t want to upset Sir Jesus with my use of his image but this practice has neutralised my triggers and lead me beyond my initial reactions with efficiency. When it comes to my development, efficiency is definitely something I’m seeking.
I’m not asking for my sins to be washed, or to be led into worship. I seek the action of a higher-density-being in a regularly human situation like mine.

If we are all Connected

then we are all Jesus and we are the Universe and we are each other. I can see how this practice is the same as checking in with your higher self, guides, heart, therapist, angels, whichever is your jive. Jesus just seems a trust-worthy, cut-the-shit, loving third party who is detached enough to inform me if the move I’m considering is of a self-serving or enabling nature. I feel like my relationship with Christ is akin to an outer-body perception of myself, where it’s easier to understand my position and have compassion.

We can all embody some form of higher existence with our everyday decisions, so it’s an interesting idea to consider moving like Christ would. Interpreting some of his teachings from this first-person curiosity could shed light on the differences between growth through worship and growth through self-responsibility:


John 14:6
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.” vs “I am the way, the truth, and the life. I can connect wholly to Infinite Creator/ God/ Universe only through myself.”


If this is a way for myself and others to access this kind of guidance than I say have at it. I’m an advocate for self-responsibility not relying on external forces to deliver me from evil. I feel I am here to learn how to do that myself.
But I appreciate the light and I think this is a beautiful way of finding accountability and peace in my decisions. In retrospect of my history with Christ, it’s absolutely hilarious. I love Jesus man.


The Gift of Anxiety