Defining Love

Love is not an emotion or expression. It is a vibrational baseline that we, humans destined for spiritual awakening, have the duty and honour of operating from. Dictionary defines ‘Love’ as: intense affection, warm personal attachment and sexual passion. I disagree.

Perhaps it’s the grotesque, colloquial overuse of the word (guilty!) that instigated my curiosity in the first place. “Love” often appears in a meaningless gest between the grins of wine-drunk ladies in a public bathroom, or on profiles run by unvirtuous public figures whom are reduced to virtue signalling… what does it mean to “spread positivity and love”? While heartfelt expressions of adoration, care and romanticism will never die out, I feel some internal digging is required to access a more meaningful form of love.


When I strip my idea of ‘Love’ down to its core, it seems to be more of a foundation for reality than an emotion or expression. Perhaps it’s a density-associated manifestation of Intelligent Infinity, as suggested in The Law of One. Perhaps it makes the whole Universe light up. Perhaps it is simply an aspect of intention.

 Though I can’t find the exact words to describe what I see, I will do my best: Intention. Foundation. Baseline. Mind-frame. Position of Perspective of Self and Universe. Integrity. Ruling vibration from where our emotions are determined and controlled. All that is.

My theory of a foundation or baseline is confirmed in the structure of the Chakras and the Densities of The Law of One; Heart Chakra, Fourth Density

The fourth density is more dense and it is far more difficult to hide the true vibrations of the mind/body/spirit complex.
— Session 66, Question 30

The fourth density entity is dedicated to the expansion of Love/Logos within the mind/body/spirit complex. In this density we are advancing our loving intention toward unconditional giving and receiving, limitlessness in its expansion and might in its power over threat. Generally, an outlook formed by loving intention seeks beauty over destruction. Its presence or vacancy in the soul will rule the interpretation of the positive and negative experience of life.

When we achieve a love for all and commit to maintaining it, we can enjoy life with intense depth and even seek a greater meaning for the word.

The green ray is one of complete universality of love. This is a giving without expectation of return.
— Session 31, Question 5

Should Love Be Unconditional?

I love everyone, everything and me. I hold a space in my loving heart for even the cruel. Just because I love them doesn’t mean I have time to spend on them, nor desire, nor respect, kindness, obligation, nor empathy.
With love, the truly cruel receive nothing but boundaries and best wishes. (xx)

Love is Tough

We have all experienced Loving intention is a variety of positive expressions; love languages. However, the moments that mattered most to my self-development were when someone ‘loved’ me enough to speak with honesty. Regardless of my agreement, I’d never dismiss it when I feel it’s coming from a position of Love.

This intention to resolve or enhance a connection, despite the risk of vulnerability that comes with confrontation, is ‘love’ appearing. The strength to set individuality aside, in respect of a positive and unified outcome, is love appearing. It’s completely badass because it’s so bloody difficult, mentally and emotionally. In these emotionally straining confrontations, the truth of each person will come to light, regardless of awareness. Because Love is Truth. My truth, your truth, Universal Truth.

“The Truth Will Set you free, but first it will piss you off!”

I learned over too many hard lessons that people don’t always take to honesty. My intention and action have created catalyst many times. Fortunately, they gifted me the opportunity to refine and manage the emotions that cloud the line between intention and (re)action. It’s not easy being honest but it is always the right thing to do.

Once we experience the fruits of our loving intention and the depths of joy that come with honest resolve (between oneself or two), it’s difficult to return to living behind the walls of our triggers.


We are not exempt from this duty of truth. We owe it to ourselves (should we ‘love ourselves’) to be completely truthful about who we are and what we want. We are all completely capable of this mental/ heart exercise, no matter how bad we may fear it.
Discipline of the Heart and Mind is the most significant form of self-love. It’s a love for yourself great enough to commit to improving; whether that be esteem, personality flaws, choosing new standards of depth, allowing the self to be free of trauma, etc.

  Pursuing these uncomfortable and at times painful experiences with a loving intention, can only bring you closer to yourself. I’m sure all who have tried can recognised the unfortunate truth (in third density), that their pain and suffering was the catalyst that activated their power and therefore closeness to their own hearts.

A Perspective for Reality

Outward loving intention/ foundation is what reminds us to look with compassionate eyes at those who hurt us. It stimulates the joy and excitement we feel when our friends succeed. It’s what makes us gush in gratitude of an incredible view. It’s like a space holder for wonderful emotions.

An inner loving intention upholds the boundaries and standards we set for our happiness and self-worth. It teaches us to speak kindly to our bodies and honour the work-in-progress of our personality. Inner loving intention also reminds us of the undeniable ethics of speaking the truth.

May love have meaning again!


P.S True Love – As a side, unrelated note…

Of course, I believe in true-love. Despite my developing perception on Love, I struggle to detach from my hopeless romanticism and for that matter I don’t want to. True love is something entirely of itself. I remember my mum telling me as a girl, that you will love and you will be in-love, and when you’re in love it’s undeniable, terrifying and will consume you. You cannot mistake truelove for other loves.
The idea of divine union is a wonderful dream that I believe should only enhance that which we’ve achieved within our lovely, lonely selves.


The Gift of Anxiety